I only work with wildlife  born at a facility that is under my technical responsibility and sold under the legal framework established by IBAMA-INEA. I have available chicks that were hand-reared, are tame and thus destined for the pet market, or alternately adult birds for display or breeding. I sell the wildlife throughout Brazil.

DOCUMENTATION: The chicks are delivered with all the legal documentation established by law, with the necessary sexing certificate and including details on its growth. The information provided includes hatch dates and genealogy.  The husbandry information will provide the basic framework for proper care and adapting the chick to its new home.

RESERVING YOUR FUTURE PET: Because some species have a defined breeding season and all of the chicks hatch within this period, I recommend reserving the chick of the species you seek via email.  This way if a chick is not then available, I can document your interest  and will contact you once the species you seek becomes available and has been sexed. The chicks are delivered on a first come, first served basis. The earlier you reserve your chick, the earlier you will receive it!

PAYMENT:  I do not require a deposit to reserve the chick—an email suffices.  Payment is made when the chick is collected.